Wednesday 5 June 2013


I do not fear any opponent, but i'm afraid the opponent is not strong enough 

Give me a basketball, a basketball court, I can hit incredibly hard, hit the world only lonely!

没有兄弟,不打球 no brothers, no basketball

即使世界抛弃了我,还有篮球陪着我 Even if the world could have abandoned me, basketball always with me

我不高大,甚至很矮,也没有最好的运动素质,但我会玩命地扑向篮球,因为我爱篮球  I'm not tall, or even very low, there is no best athleticism, but I will pounce on my life to basketball, because I love basketball

不要轻言放弃,一旦放弃了,比赛就结束了 Do not give up, once abandoned, the game is over

Always be with basketball.

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